Graduation March, The (Hamish Davidson,
2000). "The Graduation March" is a sentimental rag to me because I composed
it on the day which I graduated from year 12. This is the most cohesive of all my rags. I
barely put any effort into it at all, as Iet it write itself. The A section reflects the
sadness of leaving friends behind. However, in its second half, smiles can be heard where sweet
memories are recalled. The B section explores a new theme in the same key. After the A section
is recollected once over, a suspiciously happy theme is introduced. Initially, this section is
deceivingly simple, until 3/4 patterns are imposed. I dedicate this rag to all my friends which
helped me survive the 13 years I spent at school. [Hamish Davidson]
Grief and Sorrow (Mateusz Watroba,
1995). Composed on the 1st of September, 1995. I just came to realise that Kate was
not constant in her feelings. She was a kind of woman who needed changes. I did not. I wanted
her, she hesitated. Anxiety and uncertainty sneaked in to my heart, and I express it in the
piece. [Mateusz Watroba]
Gussied Up (William Rowland,
1993). "Gussied Up", copyright 1993 was actually written in about 1988 and
was lost for several years. [William Rowland]