Peter Lundberg
was born on February 9, 1942 on a farm located five kilometres outside of Mellerud, Sweden. He
got started in advertising and made his way through postgraduate studies in several unrelated
fields. Playing piano since age six, he got on to the New Orleans jazz revival in the 1950's
and edged over into ragtime after discovering a few pieces of sheet music. This interest
evolved into a trip to the states where he met and worked with "Ragtime Bob" Darch. He has
composed several rags. One of them, "Gothenburg Rag", was published in the third edition
of "They All Played Ragtime" (Harriet Janis & Rudi Blesh, 1966). Peter has played at
many ragtime festivals in Sedalia, Missouri and in Alexandria Bay, New York. He has been
working as a television producer/director in Gothenburg for almost thirty years now.